The roots of innerwise
Roots nourish and allow for a firm footing. This is why for many years we attached particular importance to developing our roots and looked for them around the world. Yet the strongest root is the experience of numerous people who practice innerwise, supplemented by the following:
- Humanity’s collective wisdoms and teachings
- Observing with a keen eye and mind
- The heart’s perspective
- Conventional medicine
- Kinesiology
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Homeopathy
- Alchemy
- Sacred geometry
- Osteopathy
- Holistic biological medicine
- Energy healing methods
- Spiritual energies
- Symbols, music
- Emotional therapy
- Systemic constellation work
- Systemic therapies
- Process therapies
- Burkhard Heim’s field and dimensional theories
- The love of many people for innerwise
We collected the best to achieve the best results.
And as roots are open, innerwise is open to integration into all existing systems.